Monday, May 19, 2008

Top 5 list about me

OK, so here's the deal. I like to be creative and snappy with my humor. I love puns and jokes. This blog will do all the usual ... comments on current events and people, revelations of life lessons that I learn from my wife and son, the whole deal. But I want to add a twist.

When I blog about something, I'll make sure to put in a list of why a topic interests me (hence the name - crazylist). Think of how Letterman comes up with different Top 10 lists every night. They will be funny (I hope), teach a lesson here and there, and hopefully inspire someone. I like knowing that I'm doing my part to make the world a better place, and if I can do that through helping someone understand, or even laugh for a minute, then all is right in the jungle.

So I'll be light the first time. My first Top 5 list is fun facts about me. Feel free to leave your own!

1. I've shaken hands with the mayor of Nashville, the governor of Tennessee and the President of the United States (Bush 41).
2. I've had 5 collapsed lungs (all on the right side).
3. I have a brother born on September 11 and a wife born on December 7.
4. I played football in high school, but was only in for 1 play (I was on the defensive line and the opposing QB threw an interception, so we went back to offense).
5. I'm a big movie fan, but have only seen 2 summer blockbusters on opening weekend in my life (Hulk in 2003 and Spider-Man 2 in 2004).

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