You may have heard of them ... they're the ones who protest at the funerals of soldiers, spouting off about how God is happy that these soldiers are dead because it's His punishment for our country's tolerance of homosexuals.
Hate the sin but love the sinner. We all have our own sins and imperfects, but it doesn't mean that God loves us any less. Sometimes I'm so mad at myself that I can't look in the mirror. When that happens, I'm holding one of God's children in contempt; looking at him as a lower form of life. God hates that behavior, but He loves me. The message that this "church" conveys of God high-fiving the angels when a solider falls is absolutely wrong, and not reflective of God's loving relationship with us. For that, I'm ashamed of them.
Just as bad, this church will look at anyone who opposes them as "oppressors". I say this not to oppress, but to inform. God loves all his children equally and beyond what we can measure. That doesn't mean we are never rebuked or that bad things can't happen, it means that God sticks with us through the junk and wishes us no harm. I pray that this church learns about the true forgiveness of God, and in time, I'll forgive them for trying to pollute the pure word.
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