So, I'm running the half marathon this year. That' right; 13.1 miles is waiting for me on April 24, and I'd love to finish in less than 2 hours. I'm training four days a week. But there's more.
I'm also participating in the Dale Carnegie course, which teaches you leadership and public speaking skills. That takes until 9:30 Tuesday nights for the past (and next) 6 weeks. But there's more.
I've been trying to read more books about leadership in 2010. I want to develop more in that capacity, even though there is seemingly no reason on the horizon. But there's more.
My wife and I are leaders in one of those engaged couple's weekend retreats in August, and we meet regularly with the other couples at our church for that. But there's more.
I also get some freelance proofreading assignments sent to me by a local travel magazine. It's something I try to do when I can for a little walking-around money. But there's more.
I'm a weird guy; one of those yahoos who likes to get home from work and spend time with his wife and son. While this priority is last on this list, it's first in my life. I've been arranging everything around it.
I've over-committed myself, and there has been many a night when I've gotten home wondering why I do it, and what can I learn. So what have I learned? My own limits.
I can't say there's one thing to cut out that will make my life more manageable. But I have learned to sense when I'm getting burned out and then ask 'How did you let yourself get into this? Who or what could you have simply said "no" to that would have made this better?'
Being able to say no lightens your load. Noting how tired you get serves as a great reminder to recognize your own limits and not overextend yourself in an attempt to satisfy everyone. Try to be everything to everybody and you end up being nothing for nobody. Learn your limits and have your happiness.
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